The Reluctant Road Tripper: Day 11


We left the hotel at about 5 A.M., so the travel through Arkansas was a little bit of a blur to me as I was trying to catch some zzzz’s on the road. Remember that bridge from my previous post , Day 10? Here's a view of the Mississippi River from the said bridge. It looked really nice, even at this hour where the sun was  still about to rise.

As we traversed from one farm to another, I noticed that Arkansas used an irrigation system in their plantations, the kind that's common in the Philippines. See, I can be educational with my posts...talkin' about irrigation systems and agriculture. Well, you'll be talkin' crazy too if you were stuck in an SUV for the past 11 days. Mhmm.

 I was able to take a glimpse of their nuclear power plant! The white smoke is hard to miss. 

Up next, Oklahoma!

Of course, like the curious chimp human being that I am, I totally flipped when I saw this river that had an odd color---RED! It doesn’t look THAT red in the picture but seriously, you’d freak out if you saw it for the first time too!

But here’s the reason why the river was red: Oklahoma is known for its red soil!
Red soil + water=  red(ish) water. No shh, Sherlock.

On a more random note, check out Garth Brooks’ big @ss autograph =)

I was really relieved that the weather looked pretty calm, hoping it’s a good sign that we won’t run into any tornadoes. I did see some evident damage that the recent tornadoes have left behind, though. From the freeway, it looked like someone just went on a crazy rampage and threw garbage around the fields and there were also some trees that have been uprooted.

I’m glad to see the cows are doing alright, though.

And now we've entered the Lone Star State, Texas!

Nice, erhm, view.

This was the temperature when we got to Texas! No, you don't need your glasses, four-eyes! It is 110 degrees Fahrenheit!

We were settling in for the night in Amarillo so after unloading our stuff at the hotel, we headed straight to Cracker Barrel. Since the start of our trip from the west, I noticed there were a lot of Cracker Barrel branches everywhere but they just haven’t reached California yet.

Cracker Barrel is both a store and a restaurant combined so the first thing you see when you come in is an adorable store filled with knick knacks, bottled sodas, candies and other knick knacks.

Look, different flavors of pop soda!

Apple butter and other jarred stuff.

They even have a section for bacon-lovers! That's meeee! :)

The ceiling looked like what you would see in a tool shed but there were random stuff hanging on it instead…do you see that bicycle up there?

On to the food!

While trying to figure out what to order, we were served with some biscuits and corn bread with a side of apple butter. 

Care for a game? :)
Leave only one---you're genius, leave two and you're pretty smart, leave three and you're just plain dumb, leave four or mor'n  you're just plain "Eg-No-Ra-Moose"

Hmmm. What to pick out of the menu..

Why not the Chicken Fried Chicken on white gravy with the side of mashed potatoes, hashbrown casserole and rice pilaf? The taste was alright, nothing special but hey, you'll never know until you try.

Let’s not skip dessert because it had the words chocolate and Coke in it.
Holy Shawarma, that thing was moist and oh-so-dee-lish.

I'm too sleepy to go on typing but it looks like I'll be rendezvousing with this sexy chocolate cake in my dreams. Yummeh in my tummeh.


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