My own place, my own car, my own bed, my own time. Man, if only I could tell my old high school self on how my life turned out, she would be so ecstatic. All I ever wanted back then was having to not ask permission if I wanted to go out, having to go out with boys and friends until the wee hours of the night and most of all, not having to dodge my Dad around the house 'coz I got a mediocre grade on my English subject. It happened only one time and I definitely didn't want an encore of allowance was totally frozen for 2 weeks. He knew my weakness, good thing my Mom took pity on me and told the nanny to send food in a tupperware during lunchtime at school. I had chicken nuggets with rice every day, talk about lack of variety! Ha!
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I'll have you know that I've now upgraded from chicken nuggets to Wendy's drive-thru and Thai food take-out, thank you very much! =)
As much as I'd want to endlessly rave about the advantages of independence bliss, I cannot deny the realities of which I have to face everyday for claiming independence and becoming my own Republic of Pears.
Bills. They come every month, not one day sooner nor one day later. How many bills can a person really have? There's the bill for the monthly rent, bill for gas (home), bill for electricity, bill for cellphone, bill for cable and internet, bill for credit cards, bill for car insurance and the list could go on and on. Good thing some geek out there was smart enough to think of creating online banking, it makes my life so much easier. I can actually be anywhere in the world and still be able to pay all my bills on time.
I don't know about you guys but did you notice that most of the bills sent through regular mail are SO freakin' complicated to read? It's like, dude..just tell me how much I owe in bold numbers and let's be done with it. They send you like 3 pages of nonsense when you know you're only going to look at the first page 'coz that's where they put the balance and the due date. I eventually got tired of it so I opted to go paperless billing for all my bills as well as setting up recurring payments so I don't have to wake up at 3 AM in the morning because I just remembered that something needed to get paid.
Imagine how many trees were killing because of all these bills piling up?
Chores. Yey! I'm now an independent woman. Now what? I can start off by doing the laundry, vacuuming the carpet, cleaning off the counters, cleaning the bathroom, feeding the dog, walking the dog, throwing out the trash and doing the dishes. Well, at least that's what I'm supposed to do..I end up doing laundry only until I'm down to my last clean shirt, just as I do my dishes only when I'm down to my last fork. Times like these, I really really miss having a nanny and I have learned to appreciate what they do for us. For all I know, all these chores that I do could be considered child labor in some countries.. tee-hee.
On a serious note, we should really say NO TO CHILD LABOR |
Non-depedence. The worst part of being independent is in fact, the non-dependence of others. For example, if I have to be away from home, it's so difficult to find someone to help me watch over my big monster, Sky. Even just doing simple things like taking out the groceries is difficult since I have to make at least two trips back to unload everything. Sometimes I wish I could attach a wagon on Skyler so he could bring his own groceries.
I can get him one of these...
Okay so once I've dealt with the chores and everything else, being independent ain't so bad. Actually, it's really fun to be on my own. I come and go as I please, I don't have to eat at a specific time, I don't have to fight for the TV remote, I can lounge around the sofa all day and no one will nag at me for it, I can enjoy coming home to peace and quiet after a long day at work and most of all..NO MORE ASKING PERMISSION TO HANG OUT! WUHOO! (sorry that was my high school self talking)
I'm not a feminist or anything like that but it feels good to know that I made it on my own without having to always depend on a man to take care of me. Here's to independence and sleeping in on our day off!
Viva La Revolucion!